Today was my first day of starting my new training program, which combines my pursuit of strength with my pursuit of general conditioning and health. My goal of doing this is to take an Olympic Weightlifting-style strength program (focusing on increasing strength in the snatch, clean and jerk, and squat) with a metabolic conditioning ("metcon") workout (a la Crossfit).
I am currently in a detrained state, having not consistently or seriously trained in over a year. I have gained weight, lost strength, and have very little conditioning to speak of. I am currently a very chunky 225lbs with a 40" waist, and I struggle lifting weights I used to find easy.
My goals are:
1. Increase strength in my squat (back/front), snatch, clean and jerk, and deadlift.
a. Front Squat goal: 225lbs x3
b. Back Squat goal: 315lbs x3
c. Snatch goal: 135lbs x1
d. Clean and Jerk goal: 185lbs x1
e. Deadlift goal: 385lbs x5
f. Complete 8 pull-ups in one set.
2. Increase my conditioning.
a. Run 1 mile in under 9:00 minutes.
b. Decrease my Fran, Cindy, Grace, Helen, Frelen, Barbara, Angie, Diane, and Nicole times.
3. Lose weight.
a. Decrease bodyweight to 205lbs.
b. Achieve 12% body fat.
c. Waist size decreased to 36".
Strength workouts will be a pairing of two movements: Front Squat & Barbell Row, Snatch & Clean and Jerk, Back Squat & Deadlift.
Front Squat will be trained 10x2 CAT and Back Squat 5x5 CAT. Deadlift will be sumo-style, 1x5, and using linear progression starting at 225lbs. 10lbs will be added to the lift each week if the 5 reps are successfully completed. Successful completion will be defined as 5 reps complete using appropriate form.
Snatch and Clean and Jerk will be trained 10x3 and 10x2 respectively, increasing weight when 90% of reps are done with correct technique. Light snatches (45-95lbs) and clean & jerks (95-135lbs) will also be performed as part of a warm-up on metcon days, in a 5x2 scheme.
Barbell Row will be trained 3x8-12, focusing on building the lower back muscle by focusing on squeezing the muscles and creating a 2-2-2 temp (2 seconds eccentric and concentric, with a pause at the top and bottom of each rep, eliminating momentum and body english).
Abs will be trained daily, rotating reverse crunches, straight-leg situps, and knee-to-bars. Initial goal will be completing 30 reps per session. When 30 reps are hit each session in 3 sets of less, the goal will be increased to 50 reps, and then to 100 reps.
The Metcon focus will be on "The Girls" - Diane, Fran, Cindy, Grace, Nicole, Helen, Isabel, Frelen, Barbara, Nancy, and Angie. They will be scaled as necessary, and every effort will be made to achieve completion of them as prescribed.
9.3.13 WOD
Front Squat 45lbs 2x5, 65lbsx5, 95lbsx3, 115lbsx3, 135lbs 10x2
Set on the minute every minute, focus on consistent acceleration (CAT-style) on every rep in every set. Form broke down set 12 (7th working set). Sets 14 & 15 (9th and 10th working set) my form was iffy, reps significantly slower. Hold this weight.
Barbell Row 135lbs 3x12 - 3x5 done.
60s rest between sets. Focus on squeezing the muscle, with each rep being slow and controlled, 222 tempo (2 sec up, 2 sec pause, 2 sec down). My lower back started to hurt in the 3rd set. Weight needs to be lowered to 95lbs so I can fit in my rep range and continue focusing on my muscle contractions.
Note: Scheduled a metcon style workout after this strength work, but was too tired to follow through. I will need to alternate strength days/metcon days/strength days rather then trying to do them both in the same day for now, and work on building the strength/stamina/conditioning to complete a strength and metcon workout back-to-back. My workouts will now follow the following schedule:
Strength / Metcon / Strength / Metcon / Strength / Metcon / Rest
This will be followed for two weeks. Week 3 and 4 will be changed to:
Strength + Metcon / Metcon / Strength / Metcon / Strength / Metcon / Rest
Weeks 5 and 6 will be altered to:
Strength + Metcon / Metcon / Strength / Metcon / Strength / Strength + Metcon / Rest
Weeks 7, 8, and 9 will be altered to:
Strength / Metcon / Strength + Metcon / Rest / Strength + Metcon / Strength + Metcon / Rest
Week 10 and following will be altered to:
Strength + Metcon / Strength + Metcon / Strength + Metcon / Rest / Strength + Metcon / Strength + Metcon / Rest
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